Friday, October 11, 2013


My friends swear by this method and I find is so true. Your mindset is everything. It may sound really fake and superstitious, but it seems to work out everytime. If you go into a test/interview and say, "I didn't study enough. I'm going to fail"/"I didn't prepare enough. I won't get it", you are setting yourself up for failure. However, you approach the situation as, "I'm going to ace it" you set yourself up for a better score. Positivity can really truly change your life. If you don't believe me {i see all you non-believers out there. a select few of you!} watch this amazing TED talk. Amy Cuddy talks about the importance of "power poses" and how they can really help you. She talks about body language which also has a correlation to your overall attitude. I know this video is a little on the lengthier side, but it I promise it is so so worth it.

How does your mindset affect your difficult tasks?

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