Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sweet Mint Updates

I cannot believe how exciting it has been to be the voice of "Sweet Mint." I love hearing from all y'all and reading your comments makes me so happy knowing how similar we are. I have some news to share about Sweet Mint - a few new "sections" that this blog with be showcasing. These sections of the blog with be posted periodically and I'm super excited to share them all with y'all! 

CONTACT: Sweet Mint is happily available on many popular social media sites. We would love for you to check us out. Sweet Mint is currently on Facebook ( and Twitter ( We hope to be adding more in the meantime. Keep updated with our page and show some friends. Nothing like passin' on the Sweet Mint love. 

ORGANIZATION STATION: Inspired by College Prepster's "Organize Please", I'll be doing my own variation of organization posts with the title: Organization Station. As you may have learned, I love to organizing, so I hope you will enjoy the posts are much as I do. 

LOVIN' LATELY: These posts have been around since the first few posts, but I was never sure if people knew exactly what they were. Lovin' Lately is a monthly wrap-up talking about my FIVE Favorites of the past month. Look for those lovely ladies on the first of the new month. We might even have a few in common. 

HOW TO: It is exactly what it sounds like. This section will revolve around how to do certain things that I use in my daily life. 

LEMON-AID: Although I would love this section to be all about that tangy sweet drink, Lemon-Aid is my advice column. We all have those pickles that we just can't get out of. Sometimes, you can't turn to a parent or friend or you just need a third opinion. Sweet Mint is the place for that. Send in your submissions for a question/topic you want me to discuss. This will be completely anonymous and you never know - most times people are going through the same thing and are too nervous to ask. Don't be afraid to ask. 

Enter all submission via sideofsweetmint{at}gmail{dot}com
Subject Line: Lemon-Aid Submission 

*Sweet Mint reserves the right not to post certain Lemon-Aid question on the blog*

I know all these new changes can be a little overwhelming, but I am more than excited to keep adding to Sweet Mint and watching it grow. 

What do you think of our new additions?

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