Saturday, November 2, 2013

November Update

Hi y'all. I'm sure you've noticed a few tiny changes around Sweet Mint with the addition of our new "Sweet Mint Shop" and some other changes. I'm super proud of everything that has been accomplished in the little time we've been here, but I'm hoping to expand Sweet Mint. Of course, fan base means everything in the blogging world. I would love to start doing giveaways and contests to get my amazing fan base involved. For that to happen, we need to get more views and loyal followers. Please please please help Sweet Mint out by sending this blog URL to all your friends and people who love a good blog. Sweet Mint means a lot to me and I would love to include y'all more. Please share this link and encourage your followers (if you have a blog) to follow me as well. That way, there more potential for more amazing things on the blog. Thank you so much for everything you've done thus far.


Side of Sweet Mint

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, the shop was a great addition!! Basically what I did to gain followers was reach out to 20 new blogs a day and introduced myself- I had about 100 followers within a few weeks!!
