Thursday, November 28, 2013


Thanksgiving has always been a very special holiday for me. I have been blessed with so much in my life and Thanksgiving always reminds me of that. One tradition I started a few years back in my family is that everyone at the table has to go around and say what they are thankful for. Whenever we share, it really opens your eyes to how much you have. On any day, many people are quick to say all the things that are wrong with their life. Thanksgiving opens all these positives and makes you feel so happy and thankful for the amazing life that you have. Forget about that work project that was cancelled. Who cares? Aren't you thankful for the nice man that told you you dropped your money earlier today at the coffee shop. Forget that you really need a mani/pedi! Be thankful that you have your health, happiness, and a great life. Make sure to take this day to enjoy all the positives in your life and also the negatives {yes - you heard right, m'dear} Life isn't always going to be a straight path and most definitely won't be easy all the time. Those mountains in the road are healthy in helping you get around them and becoming a better person for them. I hope all my amazing followers have an safe, happy, and healthy Turkey Day! Enjoy yourself - you deserve it.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

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